I am from a big city
with country roots.
From a father with an 8th grade education
and a mother who never worked outside
our home.
I am from a two bedroom house
A fireplace without a fire.
I am from only one grandmother with braided hair,
carrying a spoonful of sugar and castor oil.
I am from lightning bugs in a jar.
Jump ropes and mud pies…
a China doll with blue eyes.
I am from floursack dresses and picking strawberries.
I am from weekend trips to Kentucky.
I am from three different schools. I am from
cousins who stayed but never left.
I am from Howdy Doody and Mickey Mouse Club;
Buffalo Bob and Clarabelle. I am from the love of books,
music and dance.
I survived scarlet fever, measles and chicken pox.
I am from a sister I didn’t really know
with a baby I thought was a doll.
I am from a switch from a tree in the backyard.
I am from love.
Guest post by Judy W.